Social Harassment

Social Harassment

Social Harassment is done through remote V2K. It is usually committed by "the beautiful people". The beautiful people are upstanding members of the community that you may have once known. Local Authorities claim over V2K that you are hideous untruly. They make you a pedophile or child molester or murderous rapist. Regular people then hear this in their head and feel it's subliminal message and begin believing that is true. Your friends become your former friends because they can not associate with you so as not to lose their social standing. They then tell everyone about everything you may or may not have done in your life. Basically, they "black-ball" you. You are stuck alone or with a few trusted members of your family and in a weak position to negotiate. Who starts a social harassment episode, state and local authorities.

If you feel you have been socially harassed, first contact the FCC and say "I am being harasses through remote V2K by state and local authorities." There are counselors and support groups for this but you will only get more V2K, contact